Thursday, 17 November 2016

Reality versus Rumors Regarding Your Phone Repair

So what happened this time did you take a dip in the pool with your phone or splashed your amazing drink on it or left in the pocket and dipped your clothes in the machine. Don’t feel embarrassed, I hear a new reason every day. The latest I heard is that “my dog tried to swallow it”. Really you don’t need to feel shy because these things happen and you can’t help it out. Don’t fall for the fiction suggested by everyone. You need help from some professional phone fixers, to get yours in working mode. Let’s discuss few rumors and facts about the tricks which claim to cure your phone damaged by water or some liquid.

Well, how about the heat rumor? Passed above your head. I mean about the rumor regarding blow dryers or the microwaves or the sun. If we talk about the heating mechanism on an iPhone then let me tell you that these rumors can damage your phone more than it is already damaged with the water spill. For example, a blow dryer can spread the water further in the internal wiring of your phone which will make the process of phone repair impossible for anyone. And sometimes this overheat affect the battery of your phone and take their ability to ionize.

The second world famous way is the rice trick suggested by many people. In this they ask you to stick your phone in the bag of rice or bowl of rice for at least few hours, so the moisture of the phone will be soaked by the rice. There is no doubt that rice soaks water content but not with high pace or in such a high amount that the water from the phone is eliminated. The liquid content which entered your phone harms the motherboard of the phone which cannot be cured by the rice it also leaves the traces of sugar as well starch on your phone which ca damage the chance of your phone repair.

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